This week the committee had their second meeting with Council and Bluefit representatives the appointed course architect as well as the Stuart Group (they provided a strategy report in January for greens management) to discuss the architects proposed course improvements. He presented a number of ideas and the next step is to prioritise those ideas he put forward. While we may not be able to progress with all of them now it has provided us with a course plan for the next 5 to 10 years. The next step is to identify those projects that top of the list and work out the cost.
As we advised earlier the projects will be undertaken with an aim of obtaining the best results for the dollars spent. In other words funds will be directed on those projects the architect, council and golf club agree require the most attention.
We also mentioned in earlier emails is that there will be emphasis on greens and tree management.
Over the next few months there will be an arborist moving around the golf course identifying Noxious weeds, trees that are dangerous, and trees that effect the golf course playability and the greens. This report should be completed by the end of September.
As you are aware the council is continuing to work on the greens.
On the 19th, 20th and 21st of August the course will be closed for three days for coring and again in March 2020. Those days will be locked in and coring will be done on those days each year going forward.
At the same time they are looking to commence a weed eradication programme with an overall objective where possible to over the next 12 months restore many of the green surfaces to their original size. Not all greens will be include in this programme as a number of existing green will be replaced and or relocated as part of the proposed architectural changes to the course layout.
With regard of the building Council is now in the early planning stage and are meeting with architects. They have advised us that we will be invited to provide an overview of the Golf Club’s needs.