Coring of Greens
As advised previously, Monday 11th March was the original plan to commence coring and seeding of the greens. This being overseen by the consultant, Cameron Stewart. His advice was to delay for two days the start due to allow additional growth. The situation now is that given the predicted rain over the remainder of this week, coring is now re-scheduled to next Monday the 18th again weather permitting. Coring will also be based on a green by green needs basis starting with the greens most damaged, such as the likes of holes 16 and 17. Coring will also involve re-seeding.
Should this carry over to Tuesday comp, the club will try to support the council staff where we can. All members always need to be mindful of workers on the course.
Also note that a full report on the greens will soon be available to all members in the members section of