13th May 2020
HGC Members COVID – 19 UPDATE.
The NSW government has eased restrictions on the definition of a group from two to ten people provided social distancing rules are adhered to, effective after Friday 15th May. This will mean a return to bookings of groups of 4 players from the 22nd May 2020.
All members need to note the following:
- Saturday 16th, Tuesday 19th and Thursday 21st competition will be3-ball grouping, allowing all on the waitlist currently for Saturday to be accommodated and there will be addition slots also available. Please check your online booking.
- These competitions will remain on 6 minutes intervals. New timesheets will be implemented from the 22nd May with a wider spread of time intervals and play commencing on the 1st tee only.
ALL other restrictions remain in place.
- 1 person per cart remains in place.
- No congregating in groups outside the Pro Shop before or after the game. Arrive set to play and leave after scorecards are handed in.
The course is looking great, please help us keep it that way buy taking a bucket and filling divots wherever possible. It all helps.
Match Committee