Notice Of Annual General Meeting
NOTICE is hereby given that a combined 15/16th Annual General Meeting of Members of Hurstville Golf Club Inc. will be held at the St George Maso’s Club Auditorium, 86 Roberts Road, Mortdale on
Sunday 5th December 2021 commencing at 6:00pm.
Note: due to Covid restriction in place in the latter half of 2020, the club was unable to hold that year’s AGM. In accordance with the Department of Fair Trading’s regulations, last year’s Financial Report will be presented at this year’s AGM. As such, the club is required to pass the following resolution as the first item on the agenda.
“MOVE THAT the format and conduct of the meeting be accepted and that any challenge arising from any procedural irregularity in, or to, the conduct of the meeting be waived”
- Declare the Meeting open and welcome members
- Apologies
- To confirm the Minutes of the last Annual General Meeting held on 17th November 2019
- To receive and consider the club’s Financial Report for the period ended 30th June 2020
- To receive and consider the club’s Administrative Reports, Financial Report and Auditors Report for the year ended 30th June 2021
- To Elect the Office Bearers and General Committee Members to the following positions:
- President
- Vice President
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- Assistant Secretary/Treasurer
- Captain
- General Committee Members (6 positions)
- To deal with any other business lawfully brought forward.
Special Business
- Nominations for positions on the club’s management committee must be in the hands of the Secretary by no later than 26th November 2021. Details of the roles and responsibilities of all positions are available on application.
- Download Nomination form 2021-22 HGC Committee Nomination Form
- Some attendance restrictions may apply on the day of the meeting, please confirm with the Maso’s club before arrival if unsure.
- Light refreshments will be served at the conclusion of the meeting.
Jeff Fairbairn, Secretary,
Hurstville Golf Club Inc.
0412 256 499
8/ 11/2021